- hasSense
- a product that is no longer actively developed
- AgentMaps
- Abce
- ActressMas
- Amethyst
- Athens Research
- Clooney
- Code Chisel 3d
- Dapr
- Data Oriented Pyglet
- Ecscala
- Eve
- Fluxus
- Framenet
- GitHub JS
- Iper
- JavaScript Entity Component System
- jsActor
- Leaflet
- Lively
- Moonsharp
- Msg Fabric Core
- Mxgraph
- Open Cobalt
- Osbrain
- Phratch
- Redisgraph
- Redwood
- Scalego
- SimScript
- Snap.svg
- Stride3d
- Swift
- The Matrix ABM
- Third Room
- Tucson
- Vantage
- Vorpal
- Webaverse
- Whole
- Xklaim
- JS
- Live Coding