


  • self-contained capabilities that implement business logic to deliver economic value for the AEA

  • A skill encapsulates implementations of the three abstract base classes Handler, Behaviour, Model, and is closely related with the abstract base class Task:

    • Handler: each skill has zero, one or more Handler objects, each responsible for the registered messaging protocol. Handlers implement AEAs' reactive behaviour. If the AEA understands the protocol referenced in a received Envelope, the Handler reacts appropriately to the corresponding message. Each Handler is responsible for only one protocol. A Handler is also capable of dealing with internal messages (see next section).
    • Behaviour: zero, one or more Behaviours encapsulate actions which further the AEAs goal and are initiated by internals of the AEA, rather than external events. Behaviours implement AEAs' pro-activeness. The framework provides a number of abstract base classes implementing different types of behaviours (e.g. cyclic/one-shot/finite-state-machine/etc.).
    • Model: zero, one or more Models that inherit from the Model class. Models encapsulate custom objects which are made accessible to any part of a skill via the SkillContext.
    • Task: zero, one or more Tasks encapsulate background work internal to the AEA. Task differs from the other three in that it is not a part of skills, but Tasks are declared in or from skills if a packaging approach for AEA creation is used.
  • hasRepository
