Re Rdf Star Multi Level Embedded Triples and Quoted Vs Asserted
On 6/10/2022 6:05 AM, llSouripriya Das wrote:
What would be the best ways to represent the two cases of the following sentence in RDF-star: Alice heard that Bob knew that Cindy read, from email and in paper, that Dan adores Eve i.e., Alice heard [] | Bob knew [] | Cindy read {from email; in paper} [] | Dan Adores Eve
Case 1: The only asserted triple should be: Alice heard
. All the remaining triples (i.e., those that make up the portion) should be quoted triples only (i.e., not asserted triples). Case 2: Every triple used to represent this sentence should be an asserted (i.e., not just quoted) triple.
Thanks, Souri.