Mario Ontology Network (MON)
The MON’s Action module is meant to implement the Task Execution Ontology Design Pattern. This module allows to keep track of the actions performed either by the robot or by its users. Actions execute and are classified by tasks. The class action:Task aims at collecting all the behaviors of the robot.
Example of Usage
We provide an example of usage of the Action ontology for specifying the following scenario. X is a social robot can entertain its users by playing music, showing videos or telling jokes. On 23 April 2015 from 3pm to 4p, X played some music for Monica.
@prefix action: <>
@prefix time: <>
:April23015Beg a time:Instant ;
time:inXSDDateTime "2015-04-23T15:00:00+02:00" .
:April23015End a time:Instant ;
time:inXSDDateTime "2015-04-23T16:00:00+02:00" .
:April23015 a time:Interval ;
time:hasBeginning :April23015Beg ;
time:hasEnd :April23015End .
:MusicBehavior a action:Behavior .
:X a action:Agent .
:Monica a action:Agent .
:PlayMusicForMonica a action:Action ;
time:atTime :April23015 ;
action:byAgent :X ;
action:executesTask :MusicBehavior ;
action:hasParticipant :Monica .
- simplified version of the W3C's Time Ontology
- TemporalEntity subClassOf DUL.owl#TimeInterval