- Import OWL 2.0 ontologies in NTriples, RDF/XML or OWL/XML f
- Export OWL 2.0 ontologies to NTriples or RDF/XML
- Manipulates ontology classes, instances and properties transparently, as if they were normal Python objects
- Add Python methods to ontology classes
- Perform automatic classification of classes and instances, using the HermiT or Pellet reasoner (included)
- Load DBpedia or UMLS (for medical terminology, using the integrated PyMedTermino2 submodule)
- Native support for optimized SPARQL queries
- Tested up to 1 billion of RDF triples! (but can potentially support more)
- In addition, the quadstore is compatible with the RDFlib Python module
- Finally, Owlready2 can also be used as an ORM (Object-Relational mapper) – as a graph/object database, it beats Neo4J, MongoDB, SQLObject and SQLAlchemy in terms of performances