WeaKG-MF: a Knowledge Graph of Observational Weather Data
- https://2022.eswc-conferences.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/pd_Ayadi_et_al_paper_215.pdf
- topics: Knowledge Graph Modeling Meteorology
In this paper, we present the WeaKG-MF Knowledge Graph constructed from open weather observations published by Météo-France institution. WeaKG-MF relies on a semantic model that formalizes knowledge about meteorological observa- tional data. The model is generic enough to be adopted and extended by meteorological data providers to publish and integrate their sources while complying with Linked Data principles. WeaKG-MF offers access to a large number of meteorological variables described through spatial and temporal dimensions and thus has the potential to serve several scientific case studies from different domains including agriculture, agronomy, environment, climate change and natural disasters.