Some Notes on the Rdf Star Examples of Profiles
- to discuss a fraud it is not necessarily essential, and probably often not helpful or even harmful, to suppress co-denotation.
- If referentially opaque triple terms would become the standard way to represent LPG data in RDF (or if the recommendation would even suggest such an approach) we would probably shoot ourselves in the foot big time. A conversion of LPG to RDF that looses some or even much of the integration capabilities of RDF is not a compelling value proposition.
- Referential opacity is useful if one is actually interested in the syntactic representation of referers
- in every other case they are not only a nuisance, but outright harmful because they restrict the meaning of what is said in completely counter-intuitive ways. They work diametrically against the core purpose of RDF: concentrating on what is meant, not on how it is expressed.