- likely many definitions, but I like TypeDB's:
- hasSource Modelling Data with Hypergraphs
- a hypergraph consists of a non-empty set of vertices and a set of hyperedges;
- a hyperedge is a finite set of vertices (distinguishable by specific roles they play in that hyperedge);
- a hyperedge is also a vertex itself and can be connected by other hyperedges.
- hasSource Modelling Data with Hypergraphs
- https://www.angioi.com/visualizing-hypergraphs-networkx/
- "edges should really be Python frozensets, so that a collection of them can also be a set, and the node set should also be a frozenset or a set"
- TypeDB
No note with name daily.journal.2023.06.28 found in cache during parsing.
- "hyperedges are isomophic to Lisp S-expressions" 1
- The Typed Graph Model
- Modelling Data with Hypergraphs. A closer look at the TypeDB hypergraph
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32283022
- https://people.csail.mit.edu/jshun/6827-s22/lectures/lecture10-2.pdf
- Graphs, Metagraphs, Ram, Cpu
- "The naive representation for the hypergraph is a straight-forward extension of the edge table...
- "The vertex list may be empty, may hold one, or more vertexes. It is necessarily ordered (and thus not a set) and may contain repeated entries (a vertex may appear more than once in the list)"
- "The naive representation for the hypergraph is a straight-forward extension of the edge table...
- Two monads for graphs has some interested visualizations
- https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/1911 talks about visualization, has this cool thing:
- https://medium.com/@lee.papa/a-brief-history-of-the-hypergraph-1d8f79fd72e5
- mentions: Constellation
- https://medium.com/vaticle/knowledge-graph-representation-grakn-ai-or-owl-506065bd3f24