- succeeded-by: Lrmoo
- FRBR can describe how different copies of the same book, or differ- ent editions of the book, relate to each other. The most concrete aspect is the Item – the physical book that exists in the world. Items are singular entities; making a copy of an Item results in a new Item. Items are exemplars of Manifes- tations, which represent similar physical structure. For instance, an exact copy of an Item preserves the original Manifestation. If the copy is inexact, or if the book is turned into an audio book, then the Manifestation changes. However, the Expression of the paperback and audio book remains the same, because the Expression reflects particular content regardless of physical configuration. An Expression in turn realizes a Work, which is “a distinct intellectual or artistic creation.” [7] A Work remains the same through different realized Expressions that result from translation, revision, or any other change.
- Functional Requirements for Information Resource Provenance on the Web