Rdf Delta


  • RDF patch is a format for recording changes to an RDF Dataset
  • an evolution of the original RDF Patch described in https://afs.github.io/rdf-delta/rdf-patch.html
  • Abort, TA is provided so that changes can be streamed, not obliging the application to buffer change and wait to confirm the action is committed.

Two aspects

Distributing changes to a dataset has two aspects: the format used to record changes and the mechanism used to propagate changes.

RDF Delta provides these into two parts:

RDF Patch - a format to record changes that is easy to generate and consume.
RDF Patch Logs - a protocol for distributing change files.


  • There is only a single copy of the patch store and any file storage may be lost so it is better to highly reliable file system where possible.
    • The patch store can be backed up by backing up the PatchStore directory when the server is not in-use.

