Futureverse Whitepaper
- https://assets.website-files.com/64b459a54c6aeb0b60898fe2/64b602119dad7b80614b744e_Futureverse%20Whitepaper.pdf
- mentions: Fluf World
Enter the Open Metaverse
- The Open Metaverse is the next evolution of the internet and the digital economy; decentralized, trustless, community-owned and secure
An immersive experience: The internet as it is, operates within many interconnected but separate siloes. The Metaverse removes the boundaries between the major categories we currently engage with e.g finance, gaming, social media, commerce. This creates a single experience that encompasses all the current features of the internet.
Ownership: The Metaverse is defined by users having control over their assets, data and transactions. Using open source code with open standards gives ownership back to users and control back to communities. It’s a tug away from the mega-corporations that currently control almost all of the digital tangible value in our lives. In The Metaverse, users own their content, identity, data, avatar and intelligence that sits behind processes. They can move freely between applications at will