

  • ZenWave Domain Language started as an extended subset of JHipster Domain Language (JDL) that let you describe your entities and relationships.


  • Start by Modeling your Domain using the ZDL Domain Language including: entities, relationships, service commands and domain events.
  • Generate a draft OpenAPI definition from the ZDL model. Edit collaboratively this OpenAPI document and then generate some more functional code and tests from that definition.
  • Generate a draft AsyncAPI definition for consuming async request commands and publishing domain events. Now use zenwave maven plugin to generate strongly typed business interfaces implementing some Enterprise Integration Patterns like: transactional outbox, business dead letter queue...
  • Generate a complete Backend Application from your Domain Definition Model.
  • Connect (by hand) your Backend Application to other systems using the generated OpenAPI and AsyncAPI definitions.
  • Generate E2E, Integration tests and Consumer Contracts for the public APIs you just produced.
