Lyo Designer
Lyo Designer includes a integrated code generator that synthesizes the model into almost-complete Lyo-compliant running implementation. The resulting code includes:
Java classes with appropriate Lyo annotations to reflect the modelled RDF resource shapes
This automates the marshaling/unmarshaling of Java instances as Linked Data RDF resources.
JAX-RS Service operations for accessing, updating, creating and deleting RDF resources.
These operations handle any of the supported formats (turtle, RDF/XML, Json, etc.)
For debugging purposes, JSP pages are also produced to deliver HTML representations of all RDF resources.
JAX-RS Service operations to completely handle Delegated UI for both creation and selection dialogs.
Including the initial generation of basic JSP pages for the html-representation of the dialogs.
JAX-RS Service operations to handle Resource Preview
Including the initial generation of basic JSP pages for the html-representation of the resource previews.
Lyo Designer supports incremental development, where manual changes to the generated code are preserved upon changes to the model, and subsequent code regeneration.