- maybe the triple format is not naturally up to the task of meta-modelled time
- calendar system
- time-slice granularity
- fluency approach?
- has an associated store
- naturally precise, but could be fuzzed
- universal (even if not recorded)
- e.g. every keystroke has one, with a text editor (in-memory store)
- context is real-world, digital,
- can be preserved or not across different stores
- could be used for lineage
- e.g. on every copy, the data adds a tx-ts+store-identifier
- could be used for lineage
- in RDF, a triple isn't enough (and using the graph in a quad wasteful) for expressing a transaction timestamp
- so need to add a transaction-timestamp statement
- but then you might go down an infinitely recursive rabbit hole of tx-timestamping the tx-timestamp statement
- maybe tx-ts triples are special, having a tx-ts equal to the tx-ts they encode
- if you use Relator exclusively, you are golden
- should be automated
- formery "invalidation-timestamp", but needed a new name, because it treads on valid-time
- should be stored outside the relator/data because who's to say when a piece of data is dead?
- for immutable contexts, expresses "not current"
- can be complementary or an alternative to "Successor"?
- corrections, like data-entry errors or buggy pipeline
validity-start, valid-at, invalidity-start, invalid-at
- only apply to relations
abstractions shouldn't lose validity
different kinds of validity
- "in-world"/"in-application"
- real-time
- decision-time/assertion-time replaces transaction time because, for the most part, who cares when it was recorded in a store.
- mostly, assertion-time would be equal to transaction time, at least in a "live" system
- might be helpful to differentiate between corrections and updates, but that line is very thin and unstable,
- e.g. in a role-playing experience platform where in-world facts get bent/corrected and truth is more of a "what we decided worked best in the narrative"
- i wanted to say abstractions are always true, but what about the case of corrections
Prior Art
From Valid Time RDF
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Instantiating-Identifying Concept/Relationship (IIR)
In IIR models, a concept or relationship is reified and further temporalized. Either such relationship is abstracted as a new object, or a concept is viewed as four dimensional and instantiated to have temporal extents. Singleton Property converts each relationship to be universally unique. 4D fluents use concepts that view each resource as a perdurant. Fluents represent properties that change over time