Semantic Flow


  • RDF dataset-series oriented for semantic versioning and provenance
    • every named entity gets a default series, which can be used for
      • summary data, or as much detail as desired
    • every named entity can have a catalog series, which describes facilitates discovery by describing entity-related resources (including the default dataset series)
  • use github or gitlab to manage namespaces using SFRootRepo and mint IRIs
  • an SFDataRepo could have files/distributions for more than one namespace, so it should have each of those namespaces segregated by a top-level folder
  • scan IRI sources,
  • maybe generate Reference Pages dynamicall like Docsify

Relationship with Kosmion

  • Kosmion is a unorthodox, relator-based foundational ontology developed side-by-side with Semantic Flow.
  • hopefully Semantic Flow has no dependencies on Kosmion and can be used for any kind of RDF data


  1. Concepts
  2. Conversations about Semantic Flow
  3. Issues
  4. Now (Semantic Flow)
  5. Requirements
  6. Semantic Flow Log
  7. Sf CLI
  8. Similar
  9. Sparql Sync
  10. Tod
  11. metalsmith-sflo
