Kosmion Log


  • "micro-graph" approach, where each relator is its own named graph, might have some benefits
    • maybe you could preserve (some of) the classic S-P-O approach, layering on @christopher-welty's Ontology for Fluents
  • regarding Ontogen, is it at odds with keeping history (of events, relator validity) in the dataset? i.e., RDF immutability or event-driven/relator-based RDF


  • everything that exists has some physical aspect, but some physical systems have sub-systems that support "aphysical (supra-physical) things", and it can be useful to speak of those as universes of their own and abstract away the "physical-prime" context (that is kinda boring because it subsumes everything else). Call them supra-universes or subcontexts, eg., a functioning brain, an operating computer, a networked game.
  • versioning everywhere... major signals breaking change, so there's value in using the major version with no minor specific as an alias to "latest minor"
  • there's value in aliasing your ontology to other used ontologies... avoids a profusion of namespacing. Maybe you don't like that other guy's uptime or prefix choices
  • how much of starting with a conventional ontology leak into Relator-based predication.
  • as long as the reference is unique, you can do nice aliasing that cuts through
    • could do aliasing in RDF... maybe just an import statement pointing to current version.


  • holonic RDF, where each level of aggregation gets its own versioning
    • used-version
    • WHAT WAS that Cool Uris tech for appending stuff


  • using gUFO as a guide, my head is starting to swim.


  • PROV-O has qualifiedInfluence and its subproperties:
    • prov:qualifiedAssociation
    • prov:qualifiedRevision
    • prov:qualifiedInvalidation
    • prov:qualifiedPrimarySource
    • prov:qualifiedDerivation
    • prov:qualifiedGeneration
    • prov:qualifiedUsage
    • prov:qualifiedQuotation
    • prov:qualifiedStart
    • prov:qualifiedAttribution
    • prov:qualifiedEnd
    • prov:qualifiedCommunication
    • prov:qualifiedDelegation


  • RelatorCatalog per entity collects all the RelatorSets, which are datasets where the default graph (mutable) points to the immutable named graphs.
    • pointer isn't strictly necessary, but might speed querying, aid distribution-packing, or be used for consistency checking
  • damn, brain not working, why did we need a catalog of relatorsets?
    • well, all the info about an entity might be split across different datasets.
    • the fact that there's not an inverse property for dcat:dataset might be a hint, but it seems like data should be allowed to join itself?
  • Another reason for separating names from downloadURLs, you might want to shadow-recreate something on your own (or with local files)


  • using IRI refs instead of anyURI helps clear the clutter, but maybe there'd be cases where you want to preserve a sourceURL and change the prefix
  • things aren't literally immutable in github, but quasi-immutability (aka stable) is better... allows you to preserve history but take out PI, typos, and embarassments.
  • for concision, maybe the "current relator" gets duplicated into the placeholder/primary entity?
  • it makes sense to be able to come at things from both ways, with atoms making claims on collectives/entities. named graphs as atoms probably makes the most sense.
  • atomicity is a facit.
    • datatype-property-carrying
  • conventional RDF, esp. class hierarchy, only for interfacing with RDF and owl: only for owl.
  • ethos is: it's just guidelines. so lots of things should be in the


  • http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#Agent should be a sublass of Entity? Or mayb eit doesn't matter.
  • probably I just just go for it, make kosm: the one stop shop for fixing everyone else's issues and integrating it. A ruthless and misleading-ish approach would be to steal the most popular terms.
    • review 'em for
      • domain and range are reasonable
      • document is literal, sense is IRI.
        • could use a new datatype for IRI that includes folder hierarchy pattern matching, I guess I can leave that to the computers to develop. we're just at v0 buddy.
  • is the time to modularize: right from the start?
  • full, core, facet-stereotypes, borrowed terms/mnemonic forks.
  • can you make a property's subproperty require different things
    • e.g downloadURL, homepageURL, et al subproperty downloadIRI. ie.., a superproperty for objectprop/dataprop
  • it's going to be so great, you'll want to use quasi-immutable, facet-oriented RDF for your ontologies too.
  • make two versions avail, one with owl:includes, or rather kosm:includes means the same thing
  • everything is a data catalog, or rather, every decent (kosmethodology-compliant entity) is


  • maybe a "semantic repo" is the top-level concept, with:
    • ns/entity
    • ns/graph
    • ns/dataset
    • ns/catalog


  • maybe a dataset defines a graph of exportable data... stuff that's not about the dataset (i.e., no metadata). This is the "metadata lives in the default graph" pattern
  • maybe differentiate between EssentialsCatalog and RelevantCatalog, or just have the catalogs specify


  • maybe need a ReverseList,
    • would it work with last and rest?


  • a rdf triple (or Relator Compound) is not necessarily an assertion, it is just a configuration of content units or at best a statement.


  • removed chatgpt memories:
    • Foundational ontology, Kosmion, enables domain ontologies to capture distinctions, overlap, and temporality of the physical, social, mental/conceptual, and representational/digital modalities without encumbering them with restrictions or too much complexity.