Annotated Hypergraphs Models and Applications
- hasURL
- #summary
- In this article, we consider an important and relatively general class of metadata in which nodes are assigned roles in each edge
- hasSummaryPoints
- networks cannot be represented by via the classical paradigm of dyadic graphs without a significant loss of model fidelity.
- "Roles are assigned neither to nodes or to edges, but rather to node-edge pairs."
- provokedThoughts
- "edges in which the same node appears twice are not allowed"
- why not?
- seems like just for "experimental convenience"
- "It is difficult to find a modeling justification for hypergraphs with role-degenerate edges, but degenerate edges may have modeling applications"
- role-degenerate: same node v appears twice in e, with the same role.
- why not?
- "polyadic interactions" = "n-ary relations"
- "nodes of high degree tend to connect to other nodes of high degree"
- "edges in which the same node appears twice are not allowed"