2024 11 20 Getting Things Workabl

dev mode (dave)

I'm want to add functionality so that I can work on the _combined files manually for dev purposes. A couple of thoughts:

a global tidyBeforeBuild option: if false, don't tidy first

But that still wouldn't prevent copying. Which ultimately you might want to control "per-inclusion", but for now maybe we'll just start with a global suppressInclusionCopying option. We might want move this from prepareInclusions back into multisource.ts:

  // Copy included paths into the combined directory
  await copyIncludedPaths(localRepoPath, combinedDir, options);

Don't change any code yet, just let me know what you think.

dev mode (chatgpt)

Your proposal to add tidyBeforeBuild and suppressInclusionCopying as global options makes sense and aligns with making the system more flexible for development purposes. Here’s a breakdown of the thoughts and potential implications:

Global tidyBeforeBuild Option

  • Purpose: Controls whether the _combined directory is cleaned before the build starts.
  • Use Case:
    • For development, you might want to retain changes made manually to _combined.
    • For production, this ensures a clean slate before copying files.
  • Default Behavior:
    • It makes sense to default this to true for production-like behavior.


  • If tidyBeforeBuild is false, you should skip tidyCombinedDir entirely, ensuring the manual edits in _combined remain intact.
  • Logging should indicate whether tidying is skipped for better clarity during debugging.

Global suppressInclusionCopying Option

  • Purpose: Prevents the copying of files from the source repository to _combined.
  • Use Case:
    • For development, you might want to use _combined as a working directory without overwriting files.
    • Could later evolve into a per-inclusion option for more granular control.
  • Default Behavior:
    • Default this to false, as copying is expected in most cases.


  • If suppressInclusionCopying is true, you can skip the call to copyIncludedPaths.
  • Moves the copying logic from prepareInclusions to multisource:
    • prepareInclusions remains focused on initializing or updating repositories.
    • multisource orchestrates tidying and copying, making it easier to control suppression globally.

Moving copyIncludedPaths Back to multisource

This move makes sense because:

  • Centralized Control:
    • multisource already handles global options like tidying.
    • Adding suppression options fits naturally in this layer.
  • Separation of Concerns:
    • prepareInclusions is responsible for repository setup, not content copying.
    • Copying behavior aligns more with the overall orchestration layer.

Proposed Flow with Options

1. If `tidyBeforeBuild` is true:
   - Tidy `_combined`.
   - Preserve `_src-repos` if needed.
2. For each inclusion:
   - If `suppressInclusionCopying` is false:
     - Copy the included paths into `_combined`.
3. Repository preparation (always):
   - Initialize or update repositories with `prepareInclusions`.

Future Per-Inclusion Suppression

Introducing a per-inclusion option for copying is a logical next step:

  • Example:
    inclusions: [
        url: "https://github.com/example/repo.git",
        options: { suppressCopying: true },
  • Granularity:
    • Developers could selectively suppress copying for specific repositories.
    • Allows flexibility for working on only certain parts of _combined.


  1. Implement tidyBeforeBuild and suppressInclusionCopying as global options.
  2. Move copying logic back to multisource.
  3. Log the behavior for both options:
    • Indicate whether _combined is tidied.
    • Indicate whether copying is skipped.
  4. Plan for Per-Inclusion Copying Control:
    • This can be added later once the global options are tested and stable.

Would you like assistance implementing or refining this plan further?
