The Bdi Model of Agency and Bdi Logics
- practical reason or will consists in the combination of deliberating and planning
- Desires and beliefs range over states of affairs, while intentions range over actions and by extension, plans.
- Intentions are persistent, whereas desires can be dropped at any time.
- Intentions need not be holded forever.
- Intentions drive means-end reasoning.
- Beliefs constrain desires.
- Intentions constrain future deliberation and planning.
- Intentions influence beliefs upon which future practical reason is based.
- Intentions imply a degree of commitment to a goal.
- Intentions, beliefs and desires are required to be consistent. Beliefs are required to be consistent with other beliefs. Intentions with goals and beliefs and goals (analogously) with beliefs and intentions. We can thus say (so to speak) that the former are strongly consistent while the latter are weakly consistent 1. This condition is assumed to imply that of rationality.
- Intentions, beliefs and desires need not be complete or, to put it simply, all-encompassing 2.
- Beliefs are subject to revision.
- Intentions and hence plans can be reconsidered