

  • embed in JVM, so compatibleWith scala #groovy #kotlin #clojure
  • ArcadeDB’s document model also adds the concept of a "Relationship" between documents. With ArcadeDB, you can decide whether to embed documents or link to them directly. When you fetch a document, all the links are automatically resolved by ArcadeDB. This is a major difference to other document databases, like MongoDB or CouchDB, where the developer must handle any and all relationships between the documents herself.
  • in the key-value store, it supports documents and graph elements as values


  • One edge can only connect two vertices. (no hypergraph/metagraphs)


  • are the different modes using completely separate data?
    • t.2024.01.26: yes, documents, edges and vertices are different types of records
  • presumably properties can't refer to vertexes
    • t.2024.01.26: maybe not in a direct way, but you could use text


vs Neo4j

  • "Neo4j supports multiple labels per node, while in ArcadeDB a node (vertex) must have only one type. The Neo4j importer will simulate multiple labels by creating new types with the following name: [_]*."

