Zero Trust Session
- hadPresenter @den-jones
- has deployed Zero Trust Network Access with three different technologies
- authentication only focused on the user and ignores the device
- mistakenly consider the corporate network "safe"
- network perimeter no longer a security boundary
- "we don't want to back-haul all the traffic to inspect all the packets"
- make the user experience better
- "never enter a password again"
- use a certificate tied to device and user
- self-remediation
- no more VPN... "internet facing application, but accessed via reverse-proxy"
- "never enter a password again"
- if you're not using it, remove access
- "access proxy is still a VPN, kinda, but the user never logs in"
- policy engine:
- if you have a cert, edr, and patches, we let you in
- adobe had 5 data classifications; "smoking crack"
- fewer tools
- suites don't integrate
- IDP was big;
- "get your cmdb right" is bullshit, could take 20 years
- Get started
- sell vision, people, process and technology
- begin with cross-functional core team
- find a concrete use case
- start by integration with your existing auth platform
- "executive support is essential"
- introduce zero-trust principles, but avoid the term zero trust
- active communication (use a countdown)