djradon’s Now
From Now (Weave)
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Weave Website Remixer
- catch up with unit test coverage; thinking about integration testing
- finishing implementation
From Now (Kosmion)
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Kosmion Foundational Ontology
- datasets, catalogs, named graphs, distributions
- how to do multi-level
- can facets/aspects replace classes
- provenance, attribution, versioning
From Now (Semantic Flow)
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Semantic Flow Static Site Generator
- host ontologies and linked data on github or gitlab
- directory structure; distributions
- how do you create semantic data that conforms to an ontology
- client-side features: pull raw RDF files into the resource HTML pages
- adapting metalsmith-ldschema plugin
From Now
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Other Happenings
- Roleplaying: Gunaar (D&D5e)
- Reading: Ready Player One
- Garden: weeding, planting blueberries, ammending soil with Acid Lovers