- https://tomassetti.me/category/language-engineering/domain-specific-languages/
- http://voelter.de/data/books/markusvoelter-dslengineering-1.0.pdf
- List http://dsl-course.org/language-workbenches/
- https://medium.com/@dslmeinte/are-language-workbenches-dead-4b05d1698d3c
- "even though MPS is a standalone product, it comes with Git support for DSL prose, and DSL implementation can be exported as plugins for IntelliJ/IDEA. Xtext, Spoofax, and Rascal are firmly ensconced in the Eclipse ecology"
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2010/january/patterns-in-practice-internal-domain-specific-languages
- "it has been extremely helpful to separate the runtime behavior into a “semantic model,” defined by Martin Fowler as “The domain model that’s populated by a DSL” (https://martinfowler.com/dsl.html)."