F—A Model of Events based on the Foundational Ontology DOLCE+DnS Ultralite


The lack of a formal model of events hinders interoper- ability in distributed event-based systems. In this pa- per, we present a formal model of events, called Event- Model-F. The model is based on the foundational ontol- ogy DOLCE+DnS Ultralite (DUL) and provides com- prehensive support to represent time and space, objects and persons, as well as mereological, causal, and cor- relative relationships between events. In addition, the Event-Model-F provides a flexible means for event com- position, modeling event causality and event correla- tion, and representing different interpretations of the same event. The Event-Model-F is developed following the pattern-oriented approach of DUL, is modularized in different ontologies, and can be easily extended by domain specific ontologies


  • Event Driven Architecture typically focus on processing low-level signals and actions, i.e., technical events that happen within computerized systems
  • this ontology describes high-level occurrences in which humans participate
  • we follow DOLCE+DnS Ultralite’s design decision and distinguish events from objects.
    • By this, we can be precise about the relationships that can occur between events and objects
  • The most comprehensive list of functional requirements are the six aspects defined for the event model E [29] and the journalism interrogatives of the Eventory sys- tem [28].

Functional Requirements

  1. Participation of Objects
  2. Temporal duration
  3. Spatial extension
  4. Structural Relationship
    1. mereological
    2. causality
    3. correlation
  5. Documentary support for events and (participant) objects
    1. e.g. sensor data, media data
  6. Event Interpretations

