Property Graphs Vs Typedb
- hostedBy user.tomas-sabat (Private)
- "strongly-typed database", but close to Graph Database
- modeling complex data is difficult in graph (although easy to start)
- "complex data" means a lot of types
- relation types
- entity types
- "complex data" means a lot of types
- typedb is a graph engine under the hood, on top is the type system
- property graphs: directional, binary, static
- typedb:
- hyper-relations allow:
- ternary
- no need for reification
- nested relations ()
- type hierarchys
- in cypher, can't enforce labellings (which apparently is how you do types)
- Inferencing
- most under-rated features of typedb
- not machine learning, based on symbolic logic/deductive logic
- why "locating" instead of located
- rule describes a pattern