The Psychological Needs of the Extremely Ambitious
- "If you’ve never tried to [“make your venture-backed startup profitable”], you probably under-appreciate just how psychologically demanding it is—in particular, how much fresh and unfettered thinking, win-win relationship building, emotional self-management, authentic conviction, earned self-trust, intellectual ambitiousness, and disciplined focus it requires."
- 'people either get it or they don’t'—a kind of fixed mindset applied to the talents and capabilities of others.
- references Fixed Vs Growth Mindset
Psychological Needs
- Beyond “setting more realistic goals,” my clients need help balancing wildly ambitious goals with honesty about the low probability of success.
- Beyond “reappraising their catastrophic thoughts,” they need help recognizing when their “reappraisal” is just a rationalization of what is in fact a looming catastrophe that needs to be solved.
- Beyond “taking other people’s perspectives,” they need help disconnecting long enough to work out their own.
- Beyond “asserting themselves,” they need help seeking out relationships and communities that offer them closeness without assimilation.
- Beyond “learning mindfulness skills to manage their stress,” they need help recognizing when they're using these skills as a procrastination tool.
- Beyond “scheduling self care,” they need help powering through a week without rest for the sake of a valued endeavor.
- Beyond identifying generic values to guide their choices, they may need help articulating a mission statement that captures their aspirations, while still allowing flexibility in execution.
- Most of all, they need help developing the self-awareness and self-honesty to determine which skills they need when