From A Complete Idiots Guide to Play by Post Gaming
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- you resolve actions in Genesys by building pools from lots of different dice of different sizes marked with different symbols. There are dice for Attribute scores and dice for Skills, dice for positive and negative circumstances, and dice that represent the task’s Difficulty. The pool provides a high-content result. Success and failure are measured in degrees and you can have lucky or unlucky happenstances ride along with them. Not to mention crits and fumbles that sometimes just add to the results rather than overriding them.
From A Complete Idiots Guide to Play by Post Gaming
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- kind of clunky and clumsy to work with. Building pools takes time, interpreting the results carries a learning curve, basically everything you’d expect. But with slow, asynchronous play, those downsides don’t matter. Especially if you, the Game Master, handle the rolling yourself. You don’t work through building the pool with the player and then have them roll it — and you skip any mechanics that require negotiational back-and-forth that affect the roll or else require players to pre-choose those things — and instead just build the pool, resolve the action, and describe the result.