Type Theory as the Unifying Foundation for Modern Database
problems with relational, graph, document, triplestore/rdf:
- mismatch of conceptual and logical model
- object-relational mismatch, reification, multi-valued attributes
- lack of support for polymorphic and highly connected data
- no easy system extensibility and maintability
- imperative, long, complex, brittle queries
- no facility for composable, generic queries that are highly reusable
- semantic data integrity is easily violated
- no meaningful data validation due to no sufficiently expressive schemas
- data redundancies need to be carefully synced
- mismatch of conceptual and logical model
"general theory of composable structure" is a natural start point for re-inventing
typedb conceptual data model is a unification of relational, graph, and document
Modernization of Math
- classical relational algebra: sets and relations (aka predicates and predicate logic)
- modeling everything in sets and relations is non-practical
- composable systems: types and dependent type
- facts become data in types that can be referenced
- dependencies can be composed
- Practical Foundation of Modern Mathematics
crash course in type theory
- a type is a description of a domain that a variable can range over
- dependent types have definitions that include other variables
- in predicate logic, dependent pair types can compose
- a type is a description of a domain that a variable can range over
type polymorphism
- inheritance polymorphism
- interface "
- parametric "
- defines generic functionality for (variabilized) types, enabling semantically generic queries
reasoning engine
result: a unifying foundation for modern database
- TypeDB implements the unifying type-theoretic, polymorphic paradigm
- so extensible, adaptable, safe and robust
- fast-evolving ecosystem