Software Development
- description: Programming, but also design, architecture, testing, DevOps, processes, and other aspects of producing software-based solutions.
- A B Testing
- API First
- Anti Patterns
- Architecture
- Assessment (Software Development)
- Barefoot Developers
- Branch Based Development
- Business Process Modeling
- C4 Model
- Computer Aided Software Engineering
- Concept Design
- Continuous Integration
- Crows Foot Notation
- Databases
- Dev Console
- Domain Driven Design
- Domain-Driven Design
- Event Modeling
- Event Sourcing
- Event Storming
- Example Driven Development
- Feature Flag
- Feature Oriented Development
- Feature Slices
- Home-Cooked Software
- Interactive Programming
- Interface Definition Language
- Literate Programming
- Live Tutorials
- Local First
- Low Code
- Messaging
- Mixin
- Model Based Systems Engineering Mbse
- Modeling
- Modulith
- Moldable Development
- Monorepo
- Observability
- Patterns
- Polyrepo
- Requirements
- Software Design
- Specification (Software Development)
- Testing
- Twelve Factor
- Utility Class
- Zombocom Problem