Product Management
Product Ideas
- a User Problem, an Opportunity or a Solution
[Product ideas] are fragile. If they were resolved, they would not be ideas, they would be products. It takes determined effort not to be consumed by the problems of a new idea. Problems are easy to articulate and understand, and they take the oxygen. Steve focused on the actual ideas, however partial and unlikely.
- An attribute is used to describe the characteristics or properties of something.
- A feature is often described as a prominent attribute.
- function is what something does.
- Form is the external experience or shape.
- Design involves all the above.
- Meaning involves all the above plus the relationship of the product or service to emotional and psychosocial needs.
- hasSource
Product Goal
- big picture, important
- represent the crucial accomplishments needed to make your vision a reality.
User Stories
From User Stories
Go to text →
- requirements expressed from the perspective of the user
- should be INVEST
- i.e.
- independent
- negotiable
- valuable
- estimable
- small
- testable
- attributedTo @bill-wake
- i.e.
Story Maps
- resources:
- attributedTo Jeff Patton
- p.hasElements (Private)
- Items are arranged in two dimensions
- Backbone. epics/themes are the basis of the map.
- Stories: arranged in both vertical and horizontal dimensions. User stories are grouped under corresponding epics, describing more specific tasks a user may require. If an epic describes a search phase, it may include stories like basic search, filtering products, advanced search, etc. When stories are prioritized vertically, they can be divided into releases.
- User Personas
- Ideas and Nice-to-haves
- Items are arranged in two dimensions
- hasPro
- Built-in user journey.
- although, imagine a 3d visualization overlapping user journeys and their interaction points.
- Built-in user journey.
- Analytics
- Benefit
- Capability
- Data Lock-In
- Desire
- Feature
- Feature-Benefit Matrix
- Opportunity
- Product Design
- Session Replay
- Solution
- Story Mapping
- Use Cases
- User Problem
- User Stories
- vendor lock-in