Interactive Drama
- similar: Interactive Fiction Roleplaying
- "a contemporary form of digital storytelling that weaves together narrative conditions of film, video games and immersive theatre" that uses "technology to enable rich environmental design, character depth and participant immersion."
role-playing vs interactive drama
a good contrast by claude
Role-playing and interactive drama are related but distinct concepts:
- Participants assume the roles of characters
- Often more loosely structured
- Can be done for entertainment, education, or training
- May or may not have a predefined story or outcome
- Common in games, therapy, and educational settings
- A form of theater or performance art
- Audience members actively participate in the story
- Has a more defined narrative structure
- Often guided by professional actors or facilitators
- Typically aims for a specific artistic or educational goal
The main differences are:
- Structure: Interactive drama usually has a more defined narrative, while role-playing can be more open-ended.
- Purpose: Interactive drama is often focused on artistic or educational outcomes, while role-playing has a broader range of applications.
- Guidance: Interactive drama is typically led by professionals, whereas role-playing can be more self-directed.
- Setting: Interactive drama is often a public or semi-public performance, while role-playing can occur in more private or informal settings.
From Video Games Are Better Without Stories
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- Games are not a new, interactive medium for stories.
- Games show players the unseen uses of ordinary materials.
games are the aesthetic form of everyday objects.
To use games to tell stories is a fine goal, but it’s also an unambitious one.
- : critical pieces, definitions, and explanations of Interactive Drama, Freeform Role Play, Murder Mystery Whodunits, and Live Action Role Playing Games