a logical theory accounting for the intended meaning of a formal vocabulary, i.e. its ontological commitment to a particular conceptualization of the world. The intended models of a logical language using such a vocabulary are constrained by its ontological commitment. An ontology indirectly reflects this commitment (and the underlying conceptualization) by approximating these intended models.
- "facts assumed to always be true by a community" is tricky
- a-box assertions about a fictional setting could qualify as an ontology.
- Philosophy School
- Vocabulary and Taxonomy School
- These taxonomies often model a domain as hierarchical structures without defining what a link in the hierarchy actually means. As a result, they often mix sub-component and sub-class hierarchies.
- Relational School
- Object-Oriented School
- Standards School
- Linked Data School
- NLP/LLM School
- Data-Centric School
Ontology Libraries
Romulus Ontohub Org Ontology Lookup Service ontologydesignpatterns.org https://github.com/iddi/sofia/tree/master/eu.sofia.adk.common/ontologies/foundational
Formal Upper Ontologies
Basic Formal Ontology GFO CIDOC-CRM UMBEL – Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer, a subset of OpenCyc DOLCE DNS Ultralite DOLCE Lite-Plus Lite Sumo has an associated open source Sigma knowledge engineering environment. Sigmakee
Mid-level Ontologies
Cognitive Characteristics Ontology
@quine's ontological relativity
- https://dgarijo.github.io/Widoco/doc/bestPractices/index-en.html
- https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783540709992
- [+][prdct.w3id]]
- The Ontology of Relations
- OntoJIT: Exploiting CLR Compiler Support for Performing Entailment Reasoning over Executable Ontologies
- https://tdan.com/the-data-centric-revolution-best-practices-and-schools-of-ontology-design/31412
- [Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your
- First Ontology](https://www.cs.upc.edu/~jvazquez/teaching/sma-upc/docs/ontology101.pdf)
- Foundational Ontologies in Action
- Developing and using ontologies in behavioural science: addressing issues raised
- An Introduction to Ontology Engineering Keet
- Ontology Development 101 a Guide to Creating Your First Ontology
- https://dgarijo.github.io/Widoco/doc/bestPractices/index-en.html
Resource List
Where to Publish and Find Ontologies a Survey of Ontology Libraries mentions: Cupboard (dead) Obo Foundry Ontology Lookup Service ontologydesignpatterns.org mentions: Cognitive Characteristics Ontology Ontohub Org
- Applied Ontology
- Classonomies
- Continuant Vs Occurrent
- Event
- Fictional
- Foundational Ontology
- Four Category
- Information Bearing Entity
- Information Content Entity
- Metadata
- Modular Ontologies
- Multi-Level Theory
- Powerclass
- Processes
- Publication
- Upper Ontologies
- A Fipa Compliant Agent Framework Integrating Protege 2000
- An Infrastructure for Collaborative Ontology Development
- An Ontological Analysis of Business Process Modeling and Execution
- An Ontology for Agent Based Modeling and Simulation
- Axiomatic Theories of the Ontology of Time in Gfo
- Classifying Processes
- Knowledge Level Integration for Jacamo
- Representing Literary Characters and Their Attributes in an Ontology
- Sapphire Generating Java Runtime Artefacts from Owl Ontologies
- Towards an Ontological Foundation of Agent Based Simulation
- Towards Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modeling the Unified Foundational Ontology Ufo Story
- Knowledge Graphs
- Vocabulary vs Ontology vs Schema
- Ontology and Dynamic Systems
- 2024-09-27: Introducing... Carpe Noctem