djradon's wiki
Welcome! And beware!
This vault is the "learning-in-public" part of my Second Brain. If you share some of my interests, please reach out!
- Topics my personal wikipedia
- Ideas (not necessarily mine)
- Resource Notes, including highlights, thoughts and metadata, for various things:
- Addressable Resources mostly articles, papers and web pages
- Books
- Communities
- Courses
- Events
- Games
- Locations
- Organizations
- Users (People)
- Products mostly software products, but also ontologies
- Recipes
- Videos movies, tv episodes, youtube, etc
- Vs. (Comparisons)
- Wanted
- Some "Metadata Notes":
- Tags which may refer to any and multiple (or none) of the above
- Classes/Types: ways to categorize resources
- Predicates: ways to assert things about resources (mostly abandoned)
In terms of the Zettelkasten method, this wiki is a commingling of literature notes with something @Sönke-Ahrens warned about: a "personal Wikipedia or a database" 1.
In terms of Getting Things Done, it's references, someday-maybe, next actions, and public projects.
This is a cluttered cupboard of jumbled jottings riddled with inaccuracies, confusion, and mistakes.
What This Is Not
- evergreen-notes/digital-garden: for "synthesized" / original-ish publishable big-idea notes that should evolve over time, props to @andy-matuschak and @maggie-appleton
- blog: for "point-in-time" items to be shared: personal news, articles, etc.
- e.g., Carpe Noctem
- Addressable Resources
- Blogs
- Books
- Classes/Types
- Communities
- Courses
- Emails
- Events
- Game Systems
- Games
- Ideas
- Images
- Kosmion
- Licenses
- Locations
- Music
- Namespaces
- Organizations
- Podcasts
- Predicates
- Products
- Projects
- Public
- Recipes
- Semantic Flow
- Settings
- Superworks
- Tags
- Topics
- Users (People)
- Videos
- Vs. (Comparisons)
- Wanted
- djradon’s Now