djradon's wiki

Welcome! And beware!


This vault is the "learning-in-public" part of my Second Brain. If you share some of my interests, please reach out!


In terms of the Zettelkasten method, this wiki is a commingling of literature notes with something @Sönke-Ahrens warned about: a "personal Wikipedia or a database" 1.

In terms of Getting Things Done, it's references, someday-maybe, next actions, and public projects.


This is a cluttered cupboard of jumbled jottings riddled with inaccuracies, confusion, and mistakes.

What This Is Not

  • evergreen-notes/digital-garden: for "synthesized" / original-ish publishable big-idea notes that should evolve over time, props to @andy-matuschak and @maggie-appleton
  • blog: for "point-in-time" items to be shared: personal news, articles, etc.

  1. Addressable Resources
  2. Blogs
  3. Books
  4. Classes/Types
  5. Communities
  6. Courses
  7. Emails
  8. Events
  9. Game Systems
  10. Games
  11. Ideas
  12. Images
  13. Kosmion
  14. Licenses
  15. Locations
  16. Music
  17. Namespaces
  18. Organizations
  19. Podcasts
  20. Predicates
  21. Products
  22. Projects
  23. Public
  24. Recipes
  25. Semantic Flow
  26. Settings
  27. Superworks
  28. Tags
  29. Topics
  30. Users (People)
  31. Videos
  32. Vs. (Comparisons)
  33. Wanted
  34. djradon’s Now


  1. How to Take Smart Notes ˄