- wasNamespaceFor
- 2023-10-05
- 3d Tiles
- 5e Schema
- 5e Tools
- A-Frame
- API Platform
- ARCore
- ARKnowD
- Abc Ontology
- Abce
- Ably
- Abovevtt
- Abstract Meaning Representation
- Acceleo
- Ace
- Actionhero
- Activiti
- Activitypub
- Activitystreams
- Actr
- ActressMas
- Adobe Audience Manager
- Adobe Sensei
- Adventure Forge
- Adventuron
- Aedes
- Afsim
- Age
- AgensGraph
- Agent
- Agent Protocol
- AgentFramework
- AgentMaps
- Agentkit
- Agents
- Agents and Artifacts Metamodel
- Agentscope
- Agentscript
- Agentspeak
- Agones
- Agora
- Agora Bridge
- Agora Server
- Ai Comic Maker
- Aiml
- Airflow
- Airwatch
- Akka
- Akka Net
- Alcaeus
- Alchemy Rpg
- Algolia
- Algolia-Search
- Alien RPG
- Allegrograph
- Alloy Specification Language
- Alloydb
- Alpine AJAX
- Alpine_js
- Alteryx
- Ambassador Telepresence
- Amber
- Ambient
- Amethyst
- Amine
- Angel List Stack
- Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2)
- Angular
- Animate.css
- Animator.js
- Anime.js
- Annyang
- Any Json
- Any23
- Anzograph DB
- Apache Age
- Apache Ignite
- Apache Nifi
- Apache Pulsar
- Apache Samza
- Apache Spark
- Apache Syncope
- Apex Utility Ai
- Apibldr
- Apisix
- Apollo
- Apparatus
- Apple Business Essentials
- Arangodb
- Arbital
- Arcade
- Arcade Time Graph
- ArcadeDB
- Arcadia
- Arch
- Arche
- Archi
- Argdown
- Argo
- ArgoUML
- Aristotle
- Arkenforge
- Arrow
- Arrow JS
- Artemis Odb
- Arweave
- Asami
- Asana
- Asciiflo
- Ashley
- Asp Net
- Assettiger
- Astra
- Astradb
- Astral Tabletop
- Astro
- AsyncAPI
- Athens Research
- Atlas
- Atmosphere
- Atomgraph Processor
- Atomic Data
- Atomicserver
- Atomspace
- Auth.js
- Auto Time Stamp
- Autodev
- Autogen
- Automerge
- Automox
- Avalonia
- Axie Infinity
- Axios
- Azure
- Azure Cognitive Services
- BPMNator
- Babashka
- Babel
- BabyAGI
- Babylon.js
- Bandersnatch
- Barista
- Basalt Engine
- Basic Fantasy
- Basic Formal Ontology
- Batch Rename
- Battlecode
- Battlemap Io
- Bdi4jade
- Beanshell
- Becsy
- Beeminder
- Behavior3JS
- Beliefdb
- Benthos
- Bevy
- Beyond20
- Bfg Repo Cleaner
- Bfo Classifier
- BibSonomy
- Bibframe
- Biff
- Binder
- Birt
- BitECS
- BitSight
- Bitsy
- Blazor
- Blender
- Blessed
- Blitz
- Blitz Orm
- Block Protocol
- Blockchain in a Box
- Blogdown
- Bluesky
- Bog
- Boston
- Bot Framework Sdk
- Bpel
- Bpmn
- Brackit
- Brein Time Utilities
- Brighter
- Brimm
- Broadcast Channel API
- Bruno
- Building Topology Ontology Bot
- Bulla Network
- Bullet Journaling
- Bump Sh
- Bun
- Business Objects Reference Ontology
- Business Process Modelling Ontology Bpmo
- C Owl
- C4-PlantUML
- CArtAgO
- CLI Testing Library
- CLP(Q)
- CSV (file format)
- Cadence
- Callimachus
- Calva
- Camunda
- Capbase
- Carbide
- Carbon LDP (dead)
- Cardinal
- Carta
- Casbin
- Case Ontology
- Castore
- CasualOS
- Catalyst
- Catlab Jl
- Centrifugo
- Cerbos
- Cesium
- Cettia
- Chainvayler
- Chalk
- Chalk Animation
- Chalk Pipe
- Change_case_vscode
- CharacterStudio
- Chatgpt
- Choicescript
- Chrome
- Chronos Builder
- Chronos Rti
- Cid
- Citty
- Cl Fast Ecs
- Clara Rules
- Clarion
- Class Transformer
- Clearscript
- Clerk
- Clerky
- Clevercloud
- Clickhouse
- Cline
- Clipanion
- Clipboard2markdown
- Clips
- ClojureScript
- Clooney
- Cloudcannon
- Cloudevents
- Cloudflare_workers
- Cloudron
- Cloudstrike
- Clownface
- Cmmn Case Management Model and Notation
- CoModIDE
- Cocalc
- CockroachDB
- Cocos2d
- Code Chisel 3d
- Code Mas2j
- CodeTour
- Codeium
- Codeq
- Coderabbit
- Codespells
- Codewars
- CodiMD
- Cody
- Cogniam
- Cognism
- Cognitive Atlas
- Cognitive Characteristics Ontology
- Cogpo
- Cola JS
- Colore
- Colyseus
- Comake
- Comedy
- Commander.js
- Common Core Ontologies
- Common Logic
- Commonplace
- Community Solid Server
- Component Story Format
- Components.js
- Composio
- Computational Tree Logics
- Comunica
- Conceptnet
- Concurrentsim Jl
- Conductor
- Confluence
- Connect
- Connext
- Consolidate
- Construct 3
- Continue
- Conventional Commits
- Convergence
- Converse JS
- Copper
- Coral
- Corda
- Core Games
- Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine
- Core Platform
- CoreNLP
- Corese
- Cormas
- Corporate Memory Enterprise Knowledge Graph Platform
- Cosplayengine
- Coswot Ontology
- CouchDB
- Couchbase
- Creta
- Croquet
- Crossplane
- Crux Geo
- Cucumber
- Cuis
- Cupboard
- Cyc
- Cypher
- Cypher Query
- Cypress
- Cytoscape
- D2
- D20 Pro
- D20srd
- D3
- D3 Delaunay
- D3 Geo Voronoi
- D3 Graphviz
- DBeaver
- DCAT Data Catalog
- DESim4JS
- DND-SRD-Wiki
- Dagster
- Daily.Dev
- Dapr
- Dapr Actor Demos
- Dapr Traffic Control
- Darktrace Detect
- Darktrace Heal
- Darktrace Prevent
- Darktrace Respond
- Data Oriented Pyglet
- DataHike
- Databook
- Databus
- Datadog
- Datagraft
- Datagrip
- Datahub
- Datalog
- Datascript
- Dataspects
- Datomic
- Dbpedia
- DeMO Project
- Decap
- Decentraland
- Decentralized Identifiers
- Decision Model and Notation
- Declare
- Deco CX
- Deeponto
- Deepstream
- Deeptelos
- DefaultECS
- DefinitelyTyped
- Defold
- Dejs
- Delaford
- Delaunator
- Delta3D
- Dendrite
- Dendron
- Deno
- Deno Cliffy
- Deno Embedder
- Deno Fresh
- Denoflare
- Denomander
- Denon
- Descriptions and Situations Ontology
- Dev To
- DevIns
- Development Containers
- Devin
- Devs
- Dexie.js
- Dfrnt
- Dgraph
- Diagrams (Mingrammer)
- Diagrams Net
- Dialog
- Diffgram
- Digitalbuildings
- Discord
- Discord Webgame Toolkit
- Distributed Ontology Modeling and Specification Language (DOL)
- Djot
- Dk Brics Automaton
- Dmn Engine
- DnD5eCharacter
- Dnd 5e Srd
- Dnd Beyond
- Dnd5eapi
- Dndbeyond
- Docfx
- Docsify
- Dogg3rz
- Doi
- Dojo Toolkit
- Dokieli
- Dol Distributed Ontology Model and Specification Language
- Dolt
- Dominion Ecs Java
- Dpmn Discrete Event Process Modeling Notation
- DriftDB
- Drizzle
- Droid
- Drools
- Drools Semantic Module
- Dropwizard
- Dublin Core
- Duktape
- Dungeon Alchemist
- Dungeon Fog
- Dungeon-Draft
- Dynamic Expresso
- Dynamic Language Runtime
- E
- E2core
- EDTF Datatype
- EE_variant
- ESSerializer
- Eagle
- Earth System Modeling Framework
- Earthly
- Easy Rules
- Ebucore
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Constraint Logic Programming
- Eclipse Lyo
- EclipseStore / MicroStream
- Ecscala
- Ecsy
- Edtf Humanize
- Edtf Ontology
- Egeria
- Ego
- Ejabberd
- Elasticsearch
- Element
- Eleventy
- Elixir
- Elsa
- Elsa Speak
- Ember.js
- Emergence Sdk
- Emf
- EmoKG
- Emotion Frame Ontology
- Emotion Ontology
- Emscripten
- Enquirer
- Ent Comp
- Enterprise Architect
- Enterprise Simulation Platform
- Entitas
- Entity Store
- Env0
- Epilog
- Equilibrium Engine
- ErgoAI
- Estuary Flow
- Etebase
- Ethar Geopose
- Ethereal Engine
- Ethereum Virtual Machine
- Etke
- Eureca
- Eve
- EveXL
- Event Model F
- Event Model F Prime
- Event Ontology
- EventCatalog
- EventStoreDB
- Eventide
- Evernote
- Excaliber
- Express
- Express Gateway
- Express Modelling Language
- Extended Date Time Format
- Extensible Coordination Tools
- Extmodal
- Eye
- EzyFox
- FaBiO
- Fabric Healer
- Fact++
- FactEngine
- Fan Online Persona Fop
- Fanfic Ontology
- Fantasy Grounds
- Fantasy Name Generator
- FastEndpoints
- Fastapi
- Fastify
- Faststream
- Fauna
- Feathers
- Federated Core
- Fedora
- Fermat
- Fetch-AI
- Fibry
- Fiction Finder
- Filecoin
- Final Form
- Financial Industry Business Ontology Fibo
- Firebase
- Fission
- Flake
- Flask
- Flecs
- Flecs Net
- Flexidate
- Flink
- Flip
- Flogo
- Flow
- Flowable
- Flowchart JS
- Fluent Editor
- Fluentd
- Fluf World
- Flume
- Fluree
- Flutter
- Fluxus
- Flyte
- Flyway
- Foam
- Fody
- Footprints
- Forbidden Lands
- Forem
- FoundationDB
- Foundational Foundational Ontology
- Foundry Server
- Foundry-VTT
- Framenet
- Framer Motion
- FrameworkJS
- Frbr
- Frbr Core
- Frbroo
- Freepik
- Freeroam
- Friend of a Friend Ontology (FOAF)
- Front Matter
- Fulcro
- Functional Requirements for Information Resources (FRIR)
- Fuse.js
- Gama
- Game Box
- Game Description Language
- Game Makers Toolkit
- Game Oriented Assembly Lisp
- Game2text
- GameAnalytics
- GameDemo
- GameShift
- Gamelift
- GamingAPI
- Gatsby
- Gatsby Digital Garden
- Gemini
- Gendocu
- Geodot Plugin
- Geography Markup Language
- Geohash
- Geojson
- Geometry2rdf
- Geopose
- Geoserver
- Geospatial Creator
- Geotic
- Gherkin
- Gideros
- Gist
- Git
- Git Web Terminal
- GitHub
- GitHub JS
- GitLab
- Gitdoc
- Githack
- Gitpitch
- Glamorous Toolkit
- Glassdoor
- Glenda
- Glitch
- Gluegun
- GoRules
- GoTrue
- Goal
- Goblins
- Godex
- Godot
- Godot Kotlin Jvm
- Goja
- Google Ad Manager
- Google Analytics
- Google Meet
- Google Sheets
- Google Voice
- Google-Workspace
- Gpars
- Gqlalchemy
- Gqr
- GraalVM
- Graffoo
- Grafo
- Grammatical Framework
- Granthika
- Graph Commons
- Graph Engine
- Graph Explorer
- GraphDB
- GraphML
- GraphQL
- GraphQL Gun
- GraphQL Sse
- GraphQL-LD
- GraphRAG
- Graphbrain
- Graphlib
- Graphology
- Graphology Gremlin
- Graphviz
- Grapoi
- Grax
- Great Expectations
- Greenhouse
- Gremlin
- Gremlinq
- Groove
- Grpc
- Gruff
- Grunt.js
- Gsap
- Gson
- Guan
- GunDB
- Guncho
- Gust
- H3
- Hackernoon
- Hangfire
- Hanko
- Hapi
- HarperDB
- Hashnode
- Havok
- Haxe
- Hazel Engine
- Heartex
- Hedgedoc
- Helidon
- Helix
- Hello Worlds
- Here Be Taverns
- Hermit
- HexTuples
- Hexbin
- Hiccup
- Hidden Door
- Hivemq
- Hjson
- Hmas Ontology
- Hode
- Holochain
- Hono
- Hoon
- Hotwire
- Houdini
- Hozo
- Hqdm Framework
- Htmx
- Hubs
- Hubspot
- Hugegraph
- Hugo
- Hydra
- HyperGraphQL
- HyperNetX
- Hyperagents
- Hyperfiddle
- Hypergraphdb
- Hyperjump Browser
- Hyperledger
- Hypermedia Multi Agent Systems Ontology
- Hypermedia Todo API
- Hyperquery
- Hypertext Application Language
- Hyperview
- Hyperx
- IKW Graphengine
- IOGrid
- ISO 15926
- Ice
- Ice Storm
- IcePanel
- Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
- IdGen
- IdRamp
- Identitas
- Ifla Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records
- Ilograph
- IndexedDB
- Infinite Axis Utility System
- Infinite Reality
- Infinitic
- Infintegraph
- Inform7
- Information Artifact Ontology
- Information Exchange Standard Ontology
- Information Objects Ontology
- Ink
- Ink Interactive Scripting Language
- Inkle
- Inky
- Inngest
- Inquirer Prompt Suggest
- Inquirer.js
- Insight Maker
- Insomnia
- Instapaper
- Insycle
- IntelliJ
- Intend Do
- InterPlanetary File System
- Intercooler
- Internet Computer
- Invenio
- Inweb
- Iota
- Iper
- Ipld
- Isabelle Isar
- Iso8601
- Isomorphic Git
- Ittyon
- JAS-mine
- JBang
- JHipster
- JS Joda
- JS Sequence Diagrams
- JS Yaml
- JS-Interpreter
- JS-son
- JSON-LD Framing
- JSON-LD Patch
- JaCaMo
- Jack
- Jackal
- Jackson
- Jackson JS
- Jade
- Jaeger
- Jamf Connect
- Jamf-Pro
- Janus Project
- Janus WebRTC
- JanusGraph
- JanusXR
- Jargon
- Jasmine
- Jason
- JavaScript Entity Component System
- Javelin
- Jekyll
- Jekyll-Bonsai
- Jena
- Jess
- Jest
- Jexl
- Jfact
- Jgroups
- Jiber
- Jint
- Jlink
- JointJS
- Joplin
- Jotai
- Jref
- Jrml
- Jsdoc
- Jsf
- Jshell
- Jsog
- Json Decision Model
- Json Patch
- Json Patcher
- Json Pointer
- Json Rpc
- Json Rules Engine
- Json-FG
- Json5
- Jsonary
- Jsonld.js
- Jsonpatch JS
- Jsrand
- Jstor
- Jsxc
- Jtp
- Juggl
- Juliagraphs
- Jumpcloud
- Jupyter
- K8s
- KIF-Vampire
- KR Ontology
- Kafka
- Kafka Streams
- KafkaJS
- Kafkasaur
- Kairos
- Kandji
- Kanka
- Kanka Foundry
- Kantola
- Karaspace
- Karate
- Kare
- Kbox
- Kbpedia Knowledge Ontology
- Keralua
- Kestra
- Keycloak
- Kind
- Kinopio
- Kit
- Kml
- Knowbe4
- Knowledge Graph Change Language
- Knowledge Graph Toolkit
- Knowledge Interchange Format
- Koa
- Kogito
- Komma
- Konva.js
- Kopflos
- Koreografeye
- Korge
- Kotlin Simulation Library
- Krew
- Krita
- Kroki
- Ksuid
- Ktor
- Kubernetes
- Kuzu
- Kyligence Unified Semantic Layer
- Kylin
- LD Connect
- LD Viewer
- LD-R
- LDflex
- LODmilla
- LVC Game
- Lacework
- Lamar
- Lamina1
- Lance
- Lancedb
- Landscape
- Landscape Lab
- Laptop Simulator
- Laravel
- Lattice
- Lattice Engines
- Lava Flow
- Laverna
- Lavinhq
- Ldkit
- Leaflet
- Lean
- LeapFrog-LeapReader
- Legend Keeper
- Lepiter
- Let''s Chat
- Lets Role
- LevelDB
- Levelgraph
- Lex
- Libby
- Libgdx
- Lightstep
- LikeC4
- LinkML
- Linked Data Fragments
- Linked Data Fragments Server
- Linked Data Maps
- Linked Data Notifications
- Linked Data Target Value Maps
- Linked Data Templates
- Linked Data Viewer
- Linked Delta
- Linked Open Vocabularies
- LinkedDataHub
- Linq
- Lit
- Litedb
- Literary Character Ontology
- Literary Theme Ontology
- LiterateCS
- Lively
- Llvm
- Lmdb
- Localforage
- Lod Cloud
- Lodash
- Lode Ontology
- Lodifier
- Lodlive
- Lodview
- Logosphere
- Logseq
- Logtail
- Open 360 Platform
- Lokijs
- Loom
- Lottie
- Lotus
- Lrmoo
- Ltl Linear Temporal Logics
- Lua
- Lua Machine
- Luajit
- Lucidchart
- Luma
- Luma AI
- Lume
- Luminus
- Lumos
- Lunr
- Lusha
- Luvit
- Luxon
- Lwjgl
- M Link
- ML2
- MOD Ontology
- MaDKit
- Magic
- Magicdraw
- Magmacore
- Magzter
- Mak Rti
- Malli
- Manas
- Mantis
- MapTool
- MariaDB
- Mario Ontology Network (MON)
- Mario Project
- Markdig
- Markdown
- Markdown Editor
- Markdown to Json
- Markdown-LD
- Markdownload
- Marklogic Server
- Marmotta
- Marp
- Marten
- Mason Json Format
- MassTransit
- Masterpiece Studio
- Mastodon
- Material Web
- Matrix
- Mattermost
- Mediasoup
- MediatR
- Meditate
- Medium
- Meistertask
- Melange
- Melanie
- Memento
- Memex
- Memgator
- Memgraph
- Memo
- Memorypack
- Memphis
- Mental Functioning Ontology
- Mercure
- Mermaid
- Mesa
- Meshcapade
- Messagepack
- Meta
- Meta Programming System
- MetaEdit+
- Metagraph
- Metalsmith
- Metalsmith Ldschema
- Metaphactory
- Metaplex
- Metaverse Markup Language
- Meteo
- Meteor
- Methontology
- Metronome
- Microcks
- Microledger
- Micromark
- Micronaut
- Micropsi2
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft365
- Middleclass
- Midjourney
- Midway
- MikroORM
- Milkdown
- Milleniumdb
- Milo
- Minecraft
- Minetest
- Minikube
- Miniplex
- Mira
- Mirror
- Miski
- MobX
- Mocha
- Mochikit
- Model
- Model Context Protocol
- Modeling Toolkit
- Modelio
- Moise
- Molecular
- Molten Hosting
- Monaco Editor
- Mongodb
- Mongooseim
- Monogame
- Monoplasma
- Monticore
- Moonsharp
- Moose
- Morpeh
- Morphir
- Motion Canvas
- Movim
- Mpi4py
- Mqtt
- Msg Fabric Core
- Mudlet
- Mulesoft Anypoint
- Mutant Year Zero
- Mxgraph
- MyTrails
- Myriad
- Mystic AI
- N3.js
- NIEMOpen
- NSpM
- Nact
- Nakama
- Named Data Networking
- Nanoid
- Narrative Ontology (NOnt)
- Natural Language Concrete Syntax Tree format
- Ndjson
- Near Protocol
- Nebula Jl
- Nebulagraph
- NegMAS
- Neighborhoods
- Nengi
- Neo4j
- Neon
- Nepomuk File Ontology (NFO)
- Neptune
- Neptune Ai
- NestJS
- Netim
- Netlify
- Netlogo
- Netplayjs
- Networked Aframe
- Networkx
- Neural Mmo
- Neuralkg
- Neuro Behavior Ontology
- Neuron
- Neverlang
- New Relic
- NewId
- NextJS
- Nextcloud
- Nextjournal
- Nginx
- Ngraph
- Night Owl
- Nikola
- Nima
- Nkn
- Nlua
- Nns
- Noa
- Noda Time
- Node Postgres
- Node Solid Server
- NodeJS
- Nodegame
- Noise
- Noms
- Noosphere
- Nostr
- Notation3
- Notion
- Npm
- Nservicebus
- Nu
- Nuxt
- Nuxt Todos Kv
- Nvm
- Nx
- O3DE
- OBOlibrary
- OData
- OS.bee
- OWL-T,
- OWL2 RL Python
- OWLSharp
- Oak
- Oakton
- Obo Foundry
- Observable
- Obsidian
- Obsidian Excalidraw Plugin
- Obsidian Portal
- Ochre
- Oclif
- Oclif Plugin Repl
- Octokit
- Ocxmd
- Odd Dev
- Oesjs
- Olga
- Oml Luxor
- On-To-Knowledge
- One More Multiverse
- OneNote
- One_dnd
- Online Assistant
- Onnx
- Onset
- OntoClean
- OntoDev Suite
- OntoPop
- OntoPortal
- OntoUML
- OntoUML/Ufo Catalog
- Ontogen
- Ontogram
- Ontographer
- Ontohub
- Ontohub Org
- Ontolearn
- Ontology Development Kit
- Ontology Lookup Service
- Ontology Modeling Language Oml
- Ontology Publisher
- Ontology of Information Objects
- Ontology of Plans
- Ontology4
- Ontomedia
- Ontoology
- Ontospec
- Ontotext Platform
- Ontouml Models
- Ontouml Org Ontology
- Ontouml Visual Paradigm Plugin
- Ontowiki
- Onyx
- Open Biological Ontology
- Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry
- Open Cobalt
- Open DIS for JavaScript
- Open Graph Protocol
- Open Link Structured Data Editor (OSDE)
- Open Policy Agent
- Open-DIS
- Open5e
- OpenAPI
- OpenAPI Workflows Specification
- OpenCL
- OpenCog
- OpenFL
- OpenLiberty
- OpenLink Virtuoso
- OpenMetadata
- OpenNLP
- OpenRPC
- OpenSimulator
- OpenTSDB
- OpenTelemetry
- OpenUSD
- OpenXR
- Openai
- Openapm
- Opencv
- Openfaas
- Openfire
- Openmeta
- Opensearch
- Opensense
- Opus
- OrbitDB
- Ordered Turtle Serializer
- Orientdb
- Orkes Conductor
- Orleans
- Ory
- Osbrain
- Oscova
- Osds
- Oslc
- Ostrich
- Overseer
- Overseer Jl
- Owl
- Owl Reasoner JS
- Owl Rl Reasoner
- Owl Time
- Owlbear Rodeo
- Owlready2
- Oxigraph
- Oxo
- Packup
- Pagefind
- PagerDuty
- Pagic
- Panda3d
- Parcel
- Parliament
- Parrot
- Partial Mixins
- Patch Manager Plus
- Pathom
- Pekko
- Pellet
- Periodo
- Permutive
- Perplexity
- Petgraph
- Pettingzoo
- Pharo
- Phaser
- Phoenix
- Photon
- Phratch
- Pikchr
- Pingboard
- Pino
- Piqnic
- Pixel
- Pixi.js
- Planhat
- PlantUML
- Platform9
- Play Framework
- PlayCanvas
- Playerio
- Playfab
- Plow
- Plutonium
- PodSpaces
- Polly
- Poly Pizza
- Polynote
- Pool Party
- Popmotion
- Port
- Portable Text
- Portico
- Postgres
- Posthog
- Postman
- PouchDB
- Powergate
- Prefect
- Premis Ontology
- Prepar3d
- Pressoo
- Presto Ontology
- Prevayler
- Prezi
- Prisma
- Probot
- Process Specification Language (PSL)
- Processing
- Profwiz
- Proj4
- Proletarian Wizard
- Prometheus
- Proofpoint
- Property Graph Queries
- Prosody
- Protege Swrlapi
- Proto.Actor
- Protobuf
- Protoculture
- Prototype
- Protégé
- Provencance, Authoring, Versioning Ontology (PAV)
- Ptolemy
- PubNub
- Pubby
- Pulumi
- Pumla
- Pure Pwa
- Purl
- Pusher
- PyGraft
- PyReason
- PySC2
- Pyecs
- Pygame
- Pykg2vec
- Pykka
- Quadstore
- Qualreas
- Quarkus
- Quartz.NET
- Qudt Quantity Unit Dimension Type Ontologies
- Quest
- Quest Portal
- QuestJS
- Questforge
- QuickJS
- Quill
- Quit
- RDF-Ext
- RDF-star
- RDFReactor
- RDFSharp
- RDFUnit
- RTC.ex
- RabbitiMQ
- Racer
- Racket
- Radigost
- Raindrops
- Ramda
- Ranvier
- Rapidclipse
- Rascal
- Rational Rhapsody
- Ravendb
- Rcc8
- Rdb Model
- Rdf Delta
- Rdf Edtf
- Rdf Ex
- Rdf JS
- Rdf Processing Toolkit
- Rdf Pub
- Rdf Shape
- Rdf Surveyor
- Rdf Thrift
- Rdf Toolkit
- Rdf Triple Compounds
- Rdf Urdna
- Rdf and Sparql extension
- Rdf2dot
- Rdf2vec
- Rdf3x
- Rdf4j
- Rdf4j Spring
- Rdfa Streaming Parser JS
- Rdfine
- Rdflib
- Rdflib JS
- Rdfox
- Rdfs
- Rdfstore JS (dead)
- ReSpec
- React
- React Ecs
- React Flow
- React Map Gl
- React Spring
- Reactivex
- Realm Works
- Realms Mud
- Reason Ml
- Rebus
- Recallgraph
- Recutils
- Redaktor Vocab
- Redis
- Redisgraph
- Redpanda
- Redux JS
- Redwood
- RedwoodJS
- Relations Ontology
- Reldens
- Relinq
- RemNote
- Remark
- Remix
- Remote.It
- Reo
- Repast Simphony
- Repast4py
- Resource Description and Access (RDA)
- Resourceful
- Rest Client
- Restack
- Rethinkdb
- Reticulum
- Rhizomedb
- Rhombus Systems
- Rich4clojure
- Risingwave
- Riskfirst_hateoas
- Ro Core
- Roam
- Robocode
- Robot
- RocksDB
- Role
- Roll20
- Romulus
- Roslyn
- Rot.js
- Rstudio
- Rule Book
- Ruleml
- RulesEngine
- Rxdb
- Rya
- S/4hana
- S2 Geometry
- Saaskit
- Sacred Capital
- Sade
- Sales Assembly
- Salesforce
- Samod Methodology
- Samsung Care Plus
- Sandbox
- Sandra
- Sante
- Saphiredb
- Sapphire
- Sarl
- Sass
- Satori
- Sb3 Commit
- Scala JS
- Scalego
- Scratch
- Screenplays in Xml Six
- Scriban
- Scribe
- Scriptaculous
- Second Brain
- Semantic Objects Modeling Language
- Semantic Obsidian
- Semantic Synchrony
- Semantic Turkey
- Semantically Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC)
- Semanticscience Integrated Ontology Sio
- Semantify
- Semaphore
- Sematext
- Seneca
- Sentry
- Seon Software Engineering Ontology Network
- Serilog
- Server Sent Events
- Servicestack
- Session
- Shacl API
- Shacl Engine
- Shaperone
- ShareDB
- Shex
- Shining Sword
- Shipyard
- Shiro
- Siebog Lite
- SiebogJS
- Sigma Event Graph Simulation Modeling
- Sigma JS
- SigmaNLP
- SigmaREST
- Sigmakee
- SignalR
- Signoz
- Silex
- Sim Francisco
- Sim4edu
- SimPy
- SimScript
- Simcluster
- Siml
- Simple Event Model Ontology
- SimpleECS
- Simulation
- Simulation Core
- Simulation Ontology
- Singularitynet
- Siren
- Sirius
- SirixDB
- Site
- Sketchfab
- Sketchpad
- Skohub
- Skookumscript
- Skosify
- Skosmos
- Slack
- Smallry
- Smartfoxserver
- Snakeyaml
- Snakeyaml Engine
- Snap.svg
- Snowflake
- Soar
- Socialhub
- Socket.IO
- Socketcluster
- Softtouch Ecs
- Software Requirements Reference Ontology Srro
- Solace
- Solflare
- Solid
- Solid JS
- Solid Nextcloud
- Solidity
- Sonyflake
- Sowas Ontology
- Space Time
- Spaced Repetition
- Spacy
- Spar Ontologies
- Sparkle
- Sparql
- Sparql Anything
- Sparql Ex
- Sparql Web Pages (UISPIN)
- Spatialos
- Specs
- Spectre Console
- SpeeDB
- Spel
- Sphn
- Spin
- Spiral
- Spline
- Splunk
- Spoke
- Spoofax
- Spork
- Sql Server
- Sqlite
- Square Ecs
- Ssdf
- StackEdit
- Stacked Pages
- Stackstorm
- Stardog
- Starvers
- Statery
- Staticman
- Steamworks
- Stimulus
- Stl
- Stmux
- Stoplight
- Storj
- Story Grid
- Story Map Building and Visualising Tool (SMBVT)
- Storybook
- Storycraft
- Storynexus
- Storyspace
- Strabon
- Straits
- Strava
- Stream
- Streamnative
- Streamr
- Stride3d
- Strimzi Kafka Bridge
- Strimzi Kafka Operators
- StrongDM
- Structurizr
- Stych
- Subconscious
- Substack
- Subtext
- Sumo
- Sunsama
- Supabase
- Superserial
- Supertokens
- SurrealDB
- Svelte
- Sveltekit
- Svelto.ECS
- Svg
- Svg JS
- Swagger Editor
- SwaggerHub
- SwellRT
- Swift
- Swoogle
- Swoop
- Sword and Source
- Swrl
- Swrlapi Drools Engine
- Swrltab
- Symfony
- Syn Virtual Assistant Framework
- Synapse Matrix Server
- Synapse Repository
- Syrinscape
- SysML
- Sysend
- System Initiative
- T5c
- TTRpg
- Tab Stash
- Tab-Separted Values
- Tableplop
- Tables Generator
- Tabletop Simulator Tts
- Tabletopia
- Tads
- Tailwind CSS
- Tales from the Loop
- Talespire
- Tarant
- Tarql
- Tasksboard
- Tawny-OWL
- Tekton
- Temporal
- Terasology
- Terminal Link
- TerminusDB
- Terraform
- Terrastruct
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
- Text as Graph
- TextX
- Textile
- Thanos
- The Forge
- The Graph
- The Guild
- The Matrix ABM
- The Only Sheet
- The Root Network
- The Sample
- Things (app)
- Thingweb
- Thinkific
- Third Room
- Thirdweb
- ThreeDWorld
- Thunder Client
- Thymeleaf
- Thyseus
- Tick Knock
- Tidio
- Tigase
- Tiger
- Tiktok
- TimeML
- Timelinejs
- Timeliner JS
- Timescale
- Timeshift
- Tina
- Tinkerpop
- Tinybase
- Tlon Network
- Todoist
- Tone JS
- Topbraid Composer
- Topbraid EDG
- TopoJSON
- Tpfancontrol
- Tptp
- Trellis Ldp
- Trifid
- Triggermesh
- Trinity Rdf
- Triple Data Fragments
- Triplydb
- Trizbort
- Trld
- Trowl
- Try .NET
- Tucson
- Tui Calendar
- Tupper
- Turf JS
- Turtle Formatter
- Twine
- Twingate
- Twisted
- Tye
- TypeDB
- TypeManager.TS
- TypeQL
- TypeScript
- TypeScript Website
- Typed Rpc
- TypedJSON
- Typedb Data Cyber Threat Intelligence
- Ufo Protege Plugin
- Ulid
- Umodel
- Umple
- Underscore.js
- Unified
- Unified Foundational Ontology
- Unist
- Unity
- Unity Lua
- Universal Data Api
- Universal Scene Description
- Universal Vtt
- Unpoly
- Unreal
- Unreal JS
- Unrival Protocol
- Upstash
- Upstreet Ai
- Urbit
- Utterances
- Uuid
- V8
- VSCode
- Vaadin
- Vampire
- Vanjs
- Vanta
- Vantage
- Vega
- Velocitydb
- Vento
- Vercel
- Vert.x
- VideOWL Ontology
- Video Game Ontology
- Vintage Story
- Visual OMT
- Visual Paradigm
- Vivus
- VoCol
- VocBench
- Vocab Owl Time Agg
- Void Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets
- Vorpal
- Vowl
- Voyage
- Voyager
- Vscode Reveal
- Vtrdf Valid Time Rdf
- Vue
- Vvvv
- W3id
- Walder
- Walnats
- Wardley Maps
- Warpstream
- Wart Layers
- Wasi
- Wasm
- Wasmtime
- Waterfowl
- Watermelondb
- Watson
- Wayne
- WeaKG-MF
- Web Annotations
- Web Push
- WebAC
- WebAssembly
- WebSub
- WebTransport
- Webaverse
- Webcontainers
- Webfinger
- Webgpu
- Webidl
- Webroot
- Webrpc
- Webrtc
- Websocket
- Webstrates
- Websubhub
- Webviz
- Westwind Scripting
- Whole
- Wicket
- Widoco
- WikiLens
- Wikibase
- Wikidata
- Wilco
- Wildlife Ontology Wo
- Windmill
- Windy App
- WoT
- Wolf Ecs
- Wolverine
- Wonderdraft
- WordPress
- Wordnet
- Workbox
- Workflow Core
- WorkspaceONE
- World Engine
- WorldAnvil
- Wot Scripting API
- Wp Engine
- Wrangler
- Wundergraph
- X3D
- X3D-Edit
- XState
- Xjaf
- Xklaim
- Xmpp Web
- Xmppdotnet
- Xtdb
- Xtext
- Yago
- Yamato
- Yaml
- Yaml JS
- Yantra
- Yargs
- Yarn
- Yarn Spinner
- Yarn Spinner Rust
- Yasgui
- Ycombinator
- Year Zero Engine
- Yed
- Yggdrasil
- Yjs
- Yoshinon
- Yuka Ai
- Yunohost
- Z3
- Zazuko Graph Explorer
- Zazuko Ontology Manager
- Zazuko Prefix Server
- Zazuko Rdf Sketch
- Zealy
- Zedux
- Zeebe
- Zen Engine
- Zenwave
- Zeppelin
- Zig
- Zipkin
- Zjs
- Zod
- Zx
- chromeOS-flex
- ct.js
- czml-writer
- d20
- dScryb
- dbt
- dotNetRDF
- gamecontroller.js
- github-api
- glTF
- hydra-java
- iOS Press Content Library
- iStory
- iWF
- isSemantic
- jekyll-rdf
- jena-geo
- jkabi
- js-simulator
- jsActor
- json-rql
- json-schema
- json-to-ast
- jsonld-streaming-parser.js
- libp2p
- loom-actor
- m-ld
- m-ld Javascript Engine
- markdown-it
- markdown-json
- mdBook
- moment.js
- n8n
- nest-commander
- nestjs-asyncapi
- openCAESAR
- openCypher
- openWEMI
- p5.js
- pg-mem
- pg_bitemporal
- play-cljc
- pomdp-solve
- pyLODE
- rdf-canonize
- re-frame
- reStructuredText
- react-three-fiber
- shacl-to-json-schema
- slugify-vscode
- spring-nats
- sql.js
- tRPC
- three.js
- tsoa
- vPenTest
- yaml-ld